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Spencer Flohr's Publishings
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Spencer Flohr 2019 Mock Draft 1.0
The draft order is based on how I think the season is going to end, I assume there's going to be a lot of trades but I won't be predicting those until we get closer to the draft.
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Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 6.0
Post Free Agency - Feedback welcomed
1 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 5.0
Post combine. Multiple trade ups to get QBs, there always are. Please leave constructive criticism.
3 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 4.1
Some interesting trades. A couple assumptions based on free agency.
3 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 4.0
Post-Super Bowl, post-Alex Smith trade. Multiple trades. Some would call this mock Ballsy, others would call it stupid, most would call it controversial.
0 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 3.0
Patriots vs. Eagles Super Bowl? As a Redskins fan this kills me.
4 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 2.0
The draft order past the first 20 picks is based on how I think the playoffs are going to play out.
8 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 1.2 (3 Rounds)
The draft order is based on my predicted records for every team using the record they actually have through week 14 with injuries and upsets taken into account. The website I used for the predictions also ranks the teams accurately so tiebreakers were decided for me.
7 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 1.1
The draft order is based on my predicted records for every team using the record they actually have through week 12 with injuries and upsets taken into account. The website I used for the predictions also ranks the teams accurately so tiebreakers were decided for me. I chose not to implement any trades other than those already made in real life simply because they're so hard to predict.
7 rating(s)
Spencer Flohr Mock Draft 1.0
The draft order is based on my predicted records for every team using the record they actually have through week 9 with injuries and upsets taken into account. The website I used for the predictions also ranks the teams accurately so tiebreakers were decided for me. I chose not to implement any trades other than those already made in real life simply because they're so hard to predict.
2 rating(s)